Tuesday, May 25, 2010

20 Vocabulary Words

1) Annual: Annual or yearly is a word often used to describe something that happens once a year.
(An annual medical examination.)

2) Grant: something granted, as a privilege or right
(Several major foundations made large grants to fund the research project).

3) Impose: to lay on or set as something to be borne, endured, obeyed, fulfilled.
(He imposed his pretentious books on the public).

4) Stress: physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.
( Worry over his job and his wife's health put him under a great stress).

5) Goal: the result or achievement toward which effort is directed.
(Do not turn back when you are just at the goal).

6) Contribute: to give (money, time, knowledge, assistance, etc.) to a common as for charitable purposes.
(A sudden downpour contributed to the traffic jam).

7) Consent: to permit, approve, or agree .
(He consented to the proposal).

8) Access: the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter .
(They have access to the files).

9) Civil: of, pertaining to, or consisting of citizens .
(He was a very civil sort, and we liked him immediately).

10) Summary: direct and prompt; unceremoniously fast .
(to treat someone with summary dispatch).

11) Label: a slip of paper marked for attachment to something to indicate its manufacturer .
(I put a label on my book so people could that this is my book).

12) Technology: the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical .
(Technology makes the world a new place).

13) Environment: the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions .
(In a time-sharing environment, transactions are processed as they occur).

14) Psychology: the science of the mind or of mental states and processes.
(The psychology of a soldier; the psychology of politics).

15) Theory: a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena .
(Einstein's theory of relativity).

16) Influence: the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinion .
(He used family influence to get the contract).

17) Scheme: a body or system of related doctrines, theories.
(A scheme of philosophy).

18) Accomplish: to bring to its goal or conclusion; carry out; perform; finish .
(To accomplish one's mission).

19) Citizen: a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection .
(The deer is a citizen of our woods).

20) Foreigner: a person not native to or naturalized in the country or jurisdiction under consideration, alien.
(Yet when one tries to get close to those released from a prison camp, one realizes that the presence of a foreigner is not desired).

Logbook For Fahad and Mohammedd Hassan

¤Date: 11-04-2010 Time: 11:00 p.m

Venue: F52

¤Presenters: Fahad and Mohammedd Hassan

¤Subject: Recycling

¤Slides: They showed us 10 slides about recycling.

¤Colorful: It’s colorful and related to the topic.

¤Informative: The presentation was informative and very useful.

¤Eye contact: Both of them used eye contact well


- Accurate:
With Fahad : Yes
With Mohammed: No
- Clear:
With Fahad: Yes
With Mohammed: No

¤Questions: Questions were asked and they were answered clearly.

Logbook For Abdulla Masoud and Ahmed AbdulRahman

¤Date: 11.04.2010 Time: 10:30 pm

¤Venue: F52

¤Presenters: Abdulla Masoud and Ahmed AbdulRahman

¤Subject: Water Consumption

¤Slides: They showed us 12 slides about water consumption.

¤Colorful: It’s colorful and related to the topic.

¤Informative: Very good information .

¤Body language: Both of them used it

¤Eye contact: both of them used eye contact


- Accurate:
With Saoud : Yes
With Mohammed: No
- Clear:
With Saoud: Yes
With Mohammed: Yes

¤Questions: Questions were asked and they were answered.

Logbook For Abdulrahman and Muhsin

¤Date: 11-04-2010 Time: 11:25 - 11:40

¤Venue: F52

¤Presenters: Abdulrahman and Muhsin

¤Subject: UAE in 1960 and 1970

¤Slides: They showed us 15 slides about the UAE in 1960 and 1970.

¤Colorful: Very attractive colors.

¤Informative: They talked about how life looked in 1960 and 1970.

¤Interesting: very interesting.

¤Body language: Both of them used body language.

¤Eye contact: well used.


- Accurate:
With Abdulrahman: Yes
With Muhsin: Yes
- Clear:
With Abdulrahman: Yes
With Mohsin: Yes

¤Questions: questions were asked and they were answered.

Logbook For Saif Mohammed and Faisal

¤Date: 13-04-2010 Time: 12:20 - 12:33

¤Venue: F52

¤Presenters: Saif Mohammed and Faisal

¤Subject: UAE in the past.

¤Slides: They showed us 15 slides about the UAE in the past.

¤Colorful: Very good colors included in the slides.

¤Informative: The slides had enough information about the topic.

¤Interesting: very interesting.

¤Body language: Both of them were confident and well educated.

¤Eye contact: both of them used eye contact.


With Saif: Yes.
With Faisal: Yes.
With Saif: Yes.
With Faisal: Yes.

¤Questions: questions were asked and they were answered.

Logbook For Abdulla Khalid and Munther

¤Date: 11-04-2010 Time: 10:50 - 11:05

¤Venue: F52

¤Presenters: Abdulla Khalid and Munther.

¤Subject: Toyota cars company.

¤Slides: They showed us 11 slides about Toyota cars company.

¤Colorful: The colors were related to the subject.

¤Informative: They talked about several cars from the Toyota company and how much they coast.

¤Interesting: The subject was very interesting.

¤Body language: They used body language very well.

¤Eye contact: Both of them used eye contact very well.


With Abdulla: Yes
With Munther: Yes
With Abdulla: Yes
With Munther: Yes

¤Questions: Questions were asked and they were answered clearly.

Logbook For Mohammed Alzaabi and Sultan Almarzoogy

¤Date: 12-4 2010 Time: 12:55 - 01:10 am

¤Venue: F52

¤Presenters: Mohammed Alzaabi and Sultan Almarzoogy


¤Slides: They showed us 10 slides about business

¤Colorful: The colors were beautiful and attractive

¤Informative: The slides how to start a business.

¤Body language: Both of them were confident and well educated.

¤Eye contact: Both of them used eye contact.


With Mohammed: yes
With Sultan: Yes
With Mohammed: yes
With Sultan: Yes

¤Questions: Questions were asked and they were answered.

Logbook For Salem Hassan and Rashed

¤Date: 18.04.2010 Time: 10:20 - 10:32 am

¤Venue: f52

¤Presenter: Salem Hassan and Rashed

¤Subject: Smoking

¤Slides: They showed us 8 slides about smoking.

¤Colorful: The colors were not good enough but it was related to the subject.

¤Informative: very good idea that talked about the results and causes of smoking

¤Body language: not much body language.

¤Eye contact: they were reading from the board and no eye contact.


With Rashed: Not clear
With Salem: Not clear
With Rashed: Not that much accurate
With Salem: Not That much accurate

¤Questions: questions were asked and they were answered.

Logbook Ahmed Almansoori and Hedley

¤Date: 30.03.2010 Time: 12:23 - 12:43 pm

¤Venue: F52

¤Presenters: Ahmed Almansoori + Hedley

¤Subject: polluted cities worldwide

¤Slides: We present 11 slides about pollution in the world.
Mr. Hedley showed students internet site that talked about polluted areas.

¤Colorful: very colorful and the picture was related to the subject.

¤Informative: the slides were well prepared and rehearsed. We present useful information that students need it during their life.

¤Interesting: It was interesting.

¤Body language: I and Mr.Hedley succeeded in using gestures and body language.

¤Eye contact: I didn’t use as much eye contact as Mr. Hedley did.

¤English: English

- Accurate:
With Ahmed : Yes
With Mr. Hedley: Yes

- Clear:
With Ahmed: Yes
With Mr. Hedley: Yes

¤Questions: questions were well answered.

Logbook For Saoud Abdulla and Mohammed Saleh

¤Date: 30-03-2010 Time: 12:34pm - 12:54PM

¤Venue: F52

¤Presenters: Saoud Abdulla and Mohammed Saleh

¤Subject: Preserving culture

¤Slides: They showed us 8 slides about culture.

¤Colorful: Good colors that transferred the idea well.

¤Informative: good information was included about preserving culture.

¤Interesting: very interesting and I liked it.

¤Body language: Saoud Abdulla and Mohammed Saleh used gestures and eye contact through the presentation and took the students attention.

¤Eye contact: well used.


- Accurate:
With Saoud : Yes
With Mohammed: No

- Clear:
With Saoud: Yes
With Mohammed: Yes

¤Questions: questions were asked and they were answered clearly.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Aims of the meeting
The meeting was called to discuss the problem of parking at ADMC. Our goal is to find the best solution to make the parking big enough for the number of the students cars. We had the best solution which is to build a parking building for students besides the F-block parking.

Minutes of the meeting

Date: 23-2-2010
Time: 1:20 pm.
Place: F52.
In attendance: Saif Al Khaili, Salem Al Mazrouei, Faisal Al Dhaheri, Ahmed Almansoori.

1-Discuss the problem of college parking.
2-Finding a solution for traffic congestion in the parking lot.
3-Discuss the solutions.
4-Agree with the best solution.

Saif called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m. The first item declared was:

1-One of the most important solutions is to build a parking building in J-Block. It was Salem’s idea.
2- No one agreed with Salem because there is no space.
3- The idea that we agreed was Faisal's idea; he suggested building the building in the F-block parking.

Saif asked if there was AOB; he then closed the meeting at 1:30 p.m

I’m the participant, and the meeting went well run by a good chairmen (Saif) who discussed with us the problem.The Secretary (Faisal) wrote for us the solutions. The other participant (Salem) gave us very good solutions. We could improve our meeting by working hand in hand. I learned how to work with a group to find a solution or a better way to fix something.