Saturday, December 12, 2009


Cameras are part of the modern technology.
Cameras have made a lot of achievements.

The invention of the camera influenced and contributed to the technology in many ways. This is due to the inventor George Eastman, who invented the camera in 1888 . After the invention a lot of people made many developments in the technology of the camera and used it in many areas of science, journalism and medical science.
Electronic technology has caught up with the growing demand for advanced and innovative surveillance technology products.

Surveillance Technology Products:
Panning and tilting cameras, digital video recorders, hidden spy cameras, wireless nanny cams, and fully fledged motion-activated networked surveillance systems keep an eye on all suspicious movements. That shows how the technology of the cameras has improved.
How did the 1st Camera affect culture, economy, society, and the environment?
Nowadays cameras are used in many products and the most important product is reducing the irregularities in the streets of the world.
Given the number of traffic violations resulting in many accidents that have claimed many lives and property, the security authorities stress, in all parts of the world, traffic control on a regular basis to avoid the occurrence of such incidents.
Techniques of modern so-called traffic control cameras have spread in Western societies for some time, but this technique is the recent experience in the Arab world. But that the effectiveness of this technique may depend on the availability of a number of factors, including:
- Educating the community about this technology (cameras, traffic control) through various media.
- Activating the role of these cameras through direct and rapid punishment for violating traffic regulations.
Experience has shown the world beyond a reasonable doubt, that the technical effectiveness of the cameras for several aspects, to deter offenders and reduce accidents and victims.
As for deterrence, global experience has shown that cameras are important. For example, a radar speed camera reduces the number of drivers who exceed the speed limit on the road by a significant amount.

Cameras are more efficient:
There are requirements for success, and in order to be effective, we must develop criteria for the installation of cameras and their selection and analyse the information and evaluate their performance.
I suggest that we have to speed the application of the installation of these cameras to cover all towns and villages, and identify the most important places to be installed.

Economic cost:

For the economic cost, One of the objectives of the use of electronic surveillance is to overcome the limitations of human resources required by the conventional control, and the evidence is that a single camera, for example, may serve some 20 patrol cars
. Do not forget that the camera does not get sick like humans, does not get tired and fatigued during the day. These are important in the process of traffic control.

So we knew that cameras can be use d in many fields. In some places they need safety so they use hidden spy cameras and the journalism use cameras to take photos and put them it in magazines , TV, books.


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