Saturday, December 26, 2009


Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.

More than two million people die every day from water borne diseases( and most of them are children. There are millions of people in the United States every morning get up and turn on the tap not knowing that there is a rocket field on their water supply . There are wars going on around the world over oil because of pricy oil and if they take the same path with water there is oil all over again. The world is running out of fresh water. People will do and give anything from their life savings their houses, anything for water. Without water they have nothing, no life, no culture, no society and no economy. When you think about our planet, it is one huge living body because of the water that flows through it and across the land masses you can have veins of water flowing. This flows in to our oceans which are the heart of our earth and it evaporates water and puts water back in to the hydrologic site which again goes up to the mountain tops and again comes down so our planet is just one huge living body with water constantly circulating through it and its the water that gives it life. The surface of our planet is 70% water and 30% solid ( It’s just like the earth recycles the water. We have the water recycled with us. 70% of water worldwide is used by agriculture, 20% is used by industry, 10% by us. So it’s because of agriculture and industrial users, that we need more water to grow things that should not grow in these places. And sure enough to grow all of this you need a lot of pesticides and chemicals and all those chemicals with water in the earth, it’s not a good marriage. In 2006, the environmental protection agency declared that no harm will result from exposure to atrazine. A lot of creatures die. Some of them are found in the river and some of them are thrown in the river which changes the colour of the water so it pollutes it and gives it a bad smell . So the river should be covered because of the bad smell of the water and it drags blood and stuff from the slaughterhouse that’s further up. These are areas where people don’t have a sewage system so the neighbors have to use the rivers. Poor countries are being forced all over the world to hand over basic controls of their water system so the contaminated water will increase and the people's health is at risk so some countries fight to get their control of their water system back so that they could have a joyful and a peaceful life. Most women in some counties like Africa don’t want to pay when they get water but they have to pay to increase the amount of pure water. It's better than going and getting dirty and unhealthy water from the river so people must encourage them in paying. After this progress everybody is saying how much better their health is after drinking this water. So the progress continued till they created bottled water. Nestle owns over 70 bottled water brands around the world ( including some of America’s most popular brands. Day by day water is getting more expensive to the citizens and the complaints are rising every day. The future generation is up to us. One day we have got to change this and make this community a better one.

650 words



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